Topaz Restaurant

Experience pure seduction this Valentine’s Day at Topaz

We hear that a beautiful meal is the unbeatable path to every lover’s heart, and there surely can’t be anything more romantic than dinner that blooms out of the finest traditions of Classical French cuisine.

At Topaz, the seduction starts over a creamy egg, artichoke and cep dish formulated by visiting Michelin-star chef, Guy Lassausaie. And passions will be even further inflamed over the following five courses featuring a rich double beef consommé with black winter truffles and a ravishing Asian sea bass fillet dressed in white wine, coral lobster and green mussels. Roasted veal tenderloin wrapped around tender slow-cooked bacon promises to bring everyone to the point of rapture, while we expect all reason to be lost over the sumptuous and fruity dessert. See the full menu below to find out more.

This stunning six-course Valentine’s Day Menu is available for $160++ per couple, or for just $260++ including the wine pairing or a free-flow of Duval Leroy Champagne.

Make sure your date doesn’t miss out this February 14. Call: 015 821 888, or email:

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First Sight
Brouillade d’œufs aux cèpes et artichauts et son émulsion à l’ail
Creamy eggs with ceps, artichoke, garlic and shallot
Cupidon cocktail


Double consommé de boeuf aux truffes d’hiver
Pure double beef consommé with black winter truffles
Georges Duboeuf, Saint-Véran, Domaine de la Bâtie, 2014


Filet de barramundi vapeur réduction au vin blanc et aux moules
Steamed Asian sea bass fillet on braised celery with mussels and coral lobster in a white wine sauce
Georges Duboeuf, Saint-Véran, Domaine de la Bâtie, 2014


The Colour Of Love

Sorbet à la canneberge et vodka
Revitalising cranberry-vodka sorbet


The Embrace
Rôti de veau aux morilles et son lit de légumes de printemps au lardons
Roasted veal tenderloin with morels served with a bed of summer vegetables with bacon TO
Bordeaux, Château La Gaffelière, 2012


Entremet de l’amour aux fruits rouges et aux amandes
A sumptuous triple-layer of soft almond, red fruits and vanilla flavours
Domaine Labranche Laffont, Pacherenc Du Vic-Bilh, 2015


Son Or Daughter?
Café et mignardises
Coffee or tea

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