Topaz Restaurant


The gastronomic master hosted a menu that drew on diverse delicacies, including scallops, violet de Provence artichokes and roast partridge. For those who weren’t lucky enough to be able to go, the tour de force continued over the following week, as diners could choose from a range of dishes such as roast pigeon, sautéed scallops, saddle of roast hare, guinea fowl and stuffed frogs legs, for which Chef Peyre has made his name over the course of a 40-year career that has taken him through some of the finest kitchens in France.

He also took the time to spend a couple of days passing on some of the knowledge and skills he has picked up over the course of that career to the Topaz kitchen team (watch the video here). Chef Peyre may have moved on, but his touch and flavours will longer on. 

His visit and hosting is part of a series of special events, Dine With The Stars, that Topaz will be presenting over the course of the coming years, with guest appearances from some of the best chefs in the world. Watch this space! 

Photos of the event here