Topaz Restaurant

A Third Visit for Michelin Star, Guy Lassausaie

He’s back! After already delivering two wonderful evenings for Phnom Penh’s food lovers, Guy Lassausaie is coming back for another spectacular celebration of fine food, fine wines and fine company. The Michelin-starred chef, and winner of Meilleur Ouvrier de France (“Best Craftsman of France”) in 1993, has pulled out all the stops and created another show-stopping eight-course Dine with the Stars menu, entirely for your pleasure on Thursday March 19.

Guy, who was born into cooking, literally born in the building in which his own restaurant now flourishes in Chasselay, Lyon. Here he is celebrated for his talent for brining together classicism and modernity, quality and conviviality.

For Guy, coming back to Cambodia for a third time is a chance to build on the relationships he has already made and to discover more about Cambodia’s local ingredients and dishes. As he always does, he will of course be spending several days training the Topaz team during his time here.

“At Topaz, I really enjoy the enduring exchange with the team, and the opportunity to share my knowledge with professionals who are attentive and engaged”, he says. It is also a huge pleasure for him to meet new people, and affirm the friendships he has already made, “especially with the Darc family,” he adds.

This time, the flavours of the sea reign supreme for the opening part of the meal which extends to four courses. Here you’ll find the briny sensations of oyster, Mekong river prawn, scallop and red mullet offset with vibrant flavours from around the globe including Espelette pepper from the southwest of France, Mizuna mustard from Japan, passion fruit, ginger, lime tea and much more as well as the earthier flavours of lomo iberico, white asparagus and truffle.

The main course brings us a savoury taste land and air, with roasted pigeon breast, buckwheat, chickpeas and sesame, a confit of pigeon thighs and Brussels sprouts stuffed with back bacon. For the finale, Guy has created a two-part dessert that bursts with the sparkling flavours of clementine, apple, cider and grapefruit. You can find out more by checking out the menu below.

Reservations strongly recommended. Please call: 015 821 888, or book via our direct link here.

Dine with the Stars – March, Thursday 19, 2020 

Set menu $125 net / Menu with wine pairing $190 net


Huître spéciale d’Isigny en gelée,  crème de topinambour,  

lomo ibérique, confit de citron et mizuna 

Jellied Isigny osyter with Jerusalem artichoke creamlomo iberico 

candied lemon and mizuna 

Hugel Gentil Alsace 2017 


Demoiselle du Mékong au piment d’Espelette,  

jus de carotte vanille et gingembre au fruit de la passion 

Mekong river prawn with Espelette pepper floating on a carrotvanilla and ginger jus with passion fruit 

Georges Dubœuf Pouilly-Fuissé 2014 


Noix de Saint-Jacques au beurre noisette, morille jumbo farcie et asperge fraîche 

Brown butter scallops with stuffed jumbo morel and white asparagus 

Georges Dubœuf Pouilly-Fuissé 2014 


Filet de rouget en demi-deuil, épeautre de céleri et truffes,  

et bouillon de céleri à l’huile de noisette 

Truffled fillet of red mullet, celery and truffle spelt  

with celeriac broth drizzled with hazelnut oil 

Château Maucoil, Trésor des Papes 2013


Granité de Beaujolais à l’infusion de tilleul 

Beaujolais granita with a lime tea infusion 


Poitrine de pigeon rôti et crêpe de sarrasin, purée de pois chiches au sésame 

 et cuisses confites, choux de Bruxelles farcis 

Roasted pigeon breast with buckwheat crepechickpea purée with sesame, confit of pigeon thighs and stuffed Brussels sprouts 

Château d’Archambeau Graves 2017 


Marmelade de pomme et clémentine, sorbet au cidre 

Apple and clementine marmalade with a cider sorbet 

Domaine Labranche Laffont, Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh Doux 2017 


Sablé pamplemousse rose, crémeux pomelos au basilic, 

 confit et sorbet pamplemousse 

Pink grapefruit shortbread, pomelo cream, and grapefruit sorbet with candied grapefruit 

Domaine Labranche Laffont, Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh Doux 2017